Doubtful Blue
Graphic Design + Vinyl Record Cover

A personal project of vinyl record cover art for a fictional Japanese hip-hop rapper as my client.
- Adobe Photoshop
Project Concept

My fictional client is decided to be Kevin Suzuki, a Japanese Canadian rapper born and raised in Vancouver. He started listening to Japanese hip-hop music since he found the record album, THE DEEP by SOUL SCREAM, from his father’s record collection. Kevin began his rapper career when he was in high school, and he published his first EP in 2021. He is well known for weaving Japanese and English into his own unique flow and rhyme schemes.
His new music album uses a mellow and unique style to reflect the gap in understanding of hip-hop culture between the current contributors to Japanese hip-hop and the listeners, and his belief that Japanese hip-hop should develop its own hip-hop culture.
Vinyl Cover Design

The layout of the cover art utilizes the golden ratio spiral to support the design balance and control the viewer's attention.
Final Presentation

Combining the concept of Kevin’s new album and his first encounter with Japanese hip-hop, I decided to include a morpho butterfly in the concept art. Morpho butterflies are well known for their large, metallic blue wings on the front side, but on the underside of their wings, they have a snake-eye pattern to startle their natural enemies. Also, “Bees and Butterflies” from THE DEEP by SOUL SCREAM brought Kevin Suzuki into the Japanese hip-hop world, and the flying morpho butterfly symbolizes his beginning as a hip-hop fan, his belief that Japanese hip-hop should develop its own hip-hop culture, and his concerns about current Japanese hip-hop listeners.